Thursday, June 25, 2009

Why Renters Insurance?

A HUGE misconception about renting is that your "stuff" is covered by your landlords insurance. NOT TRUE! As a renter the only coverage available for your belongings is a renters insurance policy. This cheap insurance protection will cover your "stuff" in case of fire, theft, vandalism, etc. Renters insurance also provides coverage for liability. For example, if you are held responsible for damage to the place you are renting, the renters insurance can help cover the costs, otherwise it will come out of your own pocket.

Most renters insurance policies start around $100/year and can even be paid monthly. Less than 10 bucks a month is extremely cheap considering the alternatives! Have a great Day!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What is an umbrella?

Aside from the umbrella that protects you from the rain, most people have no idea what an umbrella liabilty policy is for. An umbrella policy covers all of your insurance policies (i.e. auto, home, business, etc.) under one higher limit of liability. For example, lets say you have an auto policy and a home policy with $300,000 in liability limits. If you have an at-fault accident and your limits are exhausted, then the rest would be paid out of your pocket. If you have an umbrella liability policy of $1,000,000 then the umbrella would step in and cover any additional costs over what your auto or home policy would cover. In todays society where people continue to be sue happy, then an umbrella policy is extremely cheap insurance. Most people that have 1 house, and 2 cars will pay around $250/ year for $1,000,000 in liabilty protection. Don't risk your assets or your future earnings and make sure that you are adequately protected.